“Unyielding Hope” by Janette Oke and Laurel Oke Logan

Book: "Unyielding Hope" by Janette Oke and Laurel Oke Logan

Release Date: May 5, 2020

Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance

Pages: 337

Rating: 3.75/5 ⭐


"As a young girl, Lillian Walsh lost both her parents and a younger sister. Now in her twenties, after enduring the death of her adoptive mother, Lillian must find her place in the world. Just as her adoptive father is leaving for an extended trip to his native Wales, a lawyer appears at the door to inform Lillian that she has inherited a small estate from her birth parents--and that the sister she had long believed dead is likely alive.When she discovers that her sister, Grace, is living in a city not far away, Lillian rushes to a reunion, fearful that the years of separation will make it hard to reconnect. When the two sisters meet, Grace is not at all what Lillian expected to find. Though her circumstances have been difficult, Grace has big dreams. Can Lillian set aside her own plans to join her sister in an adventure that will surely change them both?"

My Review:

What I liked:

• I liked how faith-filled and family oriented this book is. Many characters are seen praying to God about their own situations as well as the ones of others. People are seen going to church as well as giving thanks to God and saying blesseings over their food. The book also goes over the main character Lillian learning how to overcome her doubts in God, which I think helps show the reality that as Christians we oftentimes have doubts of love of God and is His guidance, so seeing Lillian grow in that area was nice.

• I love that even though on separate paths, Lillian and her father are in constant communication via letters. They each inform each other on the good and bad going on in their lives, and even though Lillian’s father would rather Lillian be where he is, he is supportive of Lillian’s journey and decisions she makes to help her sisters and the orphans.

• Each character in the story has a great level of depth and personality. The orphan kids are so different from each other and the way they interact with one another is so wholesome. Seeing each of their stories and where the came from and how they are growing was really sweet and interesting.

• There really isn't much romance within this story but any hints of romance are very minimal and clean. For the most part all that is shown and mentioned is the reappearance of past love interest of Lillian and Grace, and there are talks about possible relationships but nothing is set in stone yet just simply possibilities. There are a few embraces but nothing sensual, just hugs really.

• This story has different POVs ( point-of-views) and that is something I love in books.

What I Didn't Like:

• Though a more realistic book, some parts felt slow and not needed.

Favorite Quotes:

•"“Ask Him. And don’t give up until you understand. That’s the best advice I can give. Because the Bible promises that if you seek Him with all your heart, you’ll find Him.”

•"“But Lillian it depends on what you see, what you choose to look at. Because yes, there’s so, so much pain and yet there’s redemption too, and that’s what God does He redeems. He sets things right. Sin brought pain and death. But God never gave up on people. He always works to bring new life."

•Though doubts had made prayer difficult, still her mind reached out hopefully to God once again."

•“I don’t mean to say I’ve figured everythin’ out. I get worried about how my own life is goin’ sometimes too. But I feel like God’s been showin’ me that it isn’t my job to be in charge of it all. That if I trust Him, He’ll lead me—direct my paths"

•We’ll pray God gives you eyes of faith that see, a heart of hope to believe even before the answers unfold.”

Why you should read this book:

• For anyone looking for a faith-filled book that is focused on the love of God as well as love for family and friends and also a book that shows the highs and lows of life, I would definitely recommend you read this. The plot of this book is beautiful and well-written, and each of these characters’ backstory and involvement adds a great deal of substance to the story that I think many readers will enjoy.